Sent by Your Susan on 08/04/2014

Hello my lovely man, I am sitting here and thinking that exactly 6 months ago we were relaxing in Florida watching tv and having a little glass of wine - planning what we were going to do the following day. We had spent the Tuesday by the pool , having a swim and just totally chilling out - hardly a care in the world. How can it be that in just a few short hours , without warning you left me so suddenly - my heart still remains broken but the memories keep me slightly sane. As my counsellor says , I am still in the denial stage where I think this is not happening especially when Monday night I actually saw you in a dream where you told me everything had been a big mistake. This is the first time I have seen you in a dream and it was lovely to actually hear your voice , even though I collapsed with shock. I would prefer that than to not see you again. I hope you have found some of your long lost friends but especially your mum and dad - you have a lot of catching up to do with them. With all my love , my precious John. xxxxxxxxxxx