Hello my lovely

2020 October

Created by Susan 3 years ago

I don't post so much here but that doesn't for one minute mean you are not in my heart and mind all day every day.

This year has been a horrendous one for the whole world and so many days have been spent at home on my own. That then means too much time to think!!

So much has happened within the family and it has been very worrying at time but then everyone is old enough to sort problems out -BUT I hate not being able to wave a magic wand and everything be sorted.

I have decided not to move now as this home holds too many memories , most of them good - BUT I am in the process of transforming it into the dream home we had always planned on doing. I may have to get myself a paper round to pay for it all but what the heck.

I know it isn't going to happen but it would have been lovely if you could have just 'popped down' to see it all when  it is all done.

West Ham are doing pretty well now after 2 amazing wins - David is now living in Poole now so I have an ally! 

Well best get myself something to eat.

Give my love to dad and tell him we all miss you both so both so very very much.

Speak very soon
