We both worked so very hard

1987 March 27

Created by Susan 11 years ago
From the time we finally got together we have both had to work long hours to keep the business up and running. Every morning started at 7am ish and didnt finish til 11pm some days - to leave by 8pm was a real treat! We employed 15 members of staff and in hindsite we were maybe too soft on the employees working on the basis of treat them well and the feeling will be reciprocated. That never worked though as we found so many of them abused our generous nature. Almost every weekend we worked so as you can imagine, we were always tired and pretty stressed out. Didn't smoke , hardly drank , maybe eat out 2/3 times a year, hardly went non food shopping as we weren't materialistic people, so to make all the hard work and stress worthwhile , we went on holiday a couple of times a year. This was our only 'vice' Travel was our passion and so when we finally sold the company for a moderate amount , we decided to do all the travelling tht work had previously stopped us doing I was our 'travel agent' and arranged all our trips as we prefered not to have a package holiday. I am proud to say we had no disasters thank goodness. I am gradually adding more of our trips as I find the photos - some of the dates may be slightly wrong as I have had to guess some. Every single trip was special with my man xxxxxx