March 1996 we had to cancel our ski trip due to a health condition that needed to be 'got under control' before hitting the slopes so we changed our plans and booked to go to Antigua on a last minute 'break'.
We'd been there 1 day when there was a power cut plunging the whole resort into blackness - no emergency lights or anything so pretty impressive.
Walking to dinner in the pitch black with not even stars to help, muggins here veered off the pathway and felt flat on her face. To cut a long story short , I had broken my foot so for the rest of the holiday John ended up having to push me around in a rickety oldwheelchair (that kept collapsing) as my leg was in 'plaster' halfway to my knee.
It completely spoiled the holiday but John didn't moan once even though it was HARD WORK pushing me over cobbles and then up and down the steep ramps. He even picked me up and walked me into the sea every day so I didn't miss out too much.
Thankyou John for looking after me so well xxxxxx
march 96